Counter Narcotics and Terrorism Operational Medical Support

EMT-T Re-Registration


The CONTOMS EMT-T re-registration is awarded every three years upon completion of the required continuing education, submission of the required documentation, and a $50.00 re-registration fee. Re-registration provides the EMT-T graduate with documentation of current practice status in TEMS and access to the Graduate section of the website containing additional training materials and ongoing updates from the CONTOMS Program.

Pre-requisites and Requirements

Section 1: Continuing Tactical Education

72 hours of tactical education and training, approvec by the Team Commander.  May be conducted by the supported agency, other bona fide law enforcement agency, commercial training program or official training academy.  Examples include:

  • Tactical Movement
  • Weapon Safety System
  • Defensive Tactics
  • Use of Force

Section 2: Continuing Tactical Medical Education

36 hours of continuing medical education that is applicable to TEMS, as approved by the Medical Director. May be conducted by the Medical Director, Training Officer of a bona fide EMS Agency, approved commercial training program, or approved medical conference. Examples include:

  • Preventive Medicine
  • Environmental Injuries
  • Medical Pre-Plan

Re-registration Process

Click here to Re-register

Applicants will need to submit documentation to demonstrate Continuing Tactical Education (72 hours) and Continuing Tactical Medical Education (36 hours) during the previous 2 years. Applicants should also submit documentation of their previous EMT-T certification, current provider certification/licensure and a letter of current affiliation with a special response team.

Applicants must (1) submit a copy of their most recent EMT-T card or certificate; (2) their EMT-T class number and/or dates.

The documentation should be scanned and uploaded when completting your re-registration application online.  Applications for re-registration will not be considered complete without submission of this documentation.

By submitting this re-registration form, the applicant understands and accepts that the CONTOMS Program reserves the right to investigate re-registration material at any time from any applicant. Applicants may be required to re-submit all materials upon written notice from the CONTOMS Program.

Tuition: $50.00